Location:Madrid, Spain
Dates:Mar 03, 2023 - Mar 06, 2023
Deadline:Feb 02, 2023

Children’s Category (up to 11 years old).
Junior Category (from 12 to 14 years old).
Professional Category (from 15 to 17 years old).
Superior Category (from 18 to 25 years old).

Children’s Group
Program of free choice (with a duration of 5 to maximum 10 min).

Junior Group
Program of free choice composed of two or three pieces not exceeding 12 minutes.

Professional Group
First stage
– An etude.
– One piece of free choice (can be several movements) Maximum 15 minutes.
Final stage
– first movement of the concerto with cadenza if applicable.
– a virtuoso piece.

Superior Group
First round
*First stage will be on-line.
– One of D. Popper’s etudes or a capriccio by A. Piatti or A.F. Servais or Bukinik, M. Concerto etude n.4 in F minor.
– J.S.Bach – prelude of one of the following suites BWV 1009,1010,1011,1012.
– one piece of free choice up to 8 min maximum.
Second stage
– L. Boccherini – one of the sonatas for cello and basso.
– One

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