Job Type:
Company:Orchestre National de France
Posted Date:Mar 31, 2021
Closing date:Jun 17, 2021

→ Concours pour un 1er violoncelle solo les 3 et 5 juillet 2021
→ Audition for one first principal cello on the 3rd and 5th of July, 2021

Position Super soloist

Application closing date:
17th June 2021
(With proof of postage)

Gross annual remuneration:
56.567,68 € – Except allowance

Starting date
To be agreed

First eliminatory round:

Haydn: concerto in D Major, 1st movement (with the cadenza of Maurice Gendron, ed. Schott) (with piano)

Orchestral excerpts:
Chostakovitch: Symphony No.15, 2nd movement
Bartok: Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta

Second eliminatory round:

1st movement of Dvorak concerto or 1st movement of Schumann concerto (with piano)

Orchestral excerpts:
Saint-Saëns: Le Cygne (with piano)
Rossini: Overture to the opera William Tell
Beethoven: Symphony No.9, recitative


Orchestral excerpts:
Strauss: Don Quichotte, Thème, Var 1, Var 5 and Final
Chostakovitch: Symphony No. 1
Brahms: Concerto for piano No. 2, 3rd movement
Chostakovitch: Symphony No. 8
Lalo: Ouverture to the opera Le Roi d’Ys
Puccini: solo of Tosca

– The day of the audition, the jury will confirm the choice of the lines.
– The candidate can choose the order of the pieces during each round.
– The pieces of music can be played or replayed in each test. The jury has the right to stop the candidate at any time, or ask him to play again.
– Candidates who already hold a position with Radio France will be exempted from playing the orchestral excerpts from the first round in the second round and the final

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