Right Hand

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Paul Katz on Pros & Cons of Bent Endpins

Companion video to "Sitting: Chair, Feet, Power at Tip"; interview with Rob Mayes.

Alisa Weilerstein Interview: Bow Grip & Arm Weight

Alisa Weilerstein in conversation with Paul Katz.

Alisa Weilerstein: Psychology of Sound Projection

Alisa Weilerstein in conversation with Paul Katz.

Artistry in Sound

Expressive Use of the Bow

Bow Hold Principles – Part 1

Finger Placement on Bow

Bow Hold Principles – Part 2

Control: Flexibility/Balance

Legato String Crossings

Eliminate Jerky Motions

Projecting Pianissimo

Playing intimately, but for the last row of the audience.

Ricochet Bow Stroke

Control Tempi & Rhythms

Right Arm Power

Arm Weight/Gravity

Right Hand Expression

The Bow Makes the Music

Robert deMaine Interview: Integrating Bow & Body Motion

Robert deMaine in conversation with Paul Katz.

Sitting: Chair, Feet, Power at Tip

Connecting your cello posture, body motion and bow use.

Softness is Strength

Tai Chi: Power/Flexibility

Sound Production Principles

Rest, Don't Press

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