Melissa Kraut

About Melissa Kraut

Dr. Melissa Kraut is recognized as one of the leading pedagogues of her generation. She holds degrees from CIM, the University of Iowa and Northwestern University, and has studied with Alan Harris and Hans-Jørgen Jensen. Additionally, Dr. Kraut has participated in master classes of cellists Aldo Parisot, Frank Miller, Yo-Yo Ma, Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi and David Soyer. She participated in the Aspen Music Festival, Banff Center for the Arts and the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival (Germany). An active performer, Dr. Kraut has led a diverse stage career, with solo and chamber performances throughout the U.S. and Europe. She has held leadership positions in many orchestras and has played under the baton of such distinguished conductors as Sir Georg Solti, Valery Gergiev and Semyon Bychkov.

In the summer, Dr. Kraut teaches at the Meadowmount School of Music (New York). Prior to Meadowmount, she was Cello Instructor and Head of Strings at the Interlochen Arts Camp. Her students have achieved great success, earning top prizes in national and international competitions. Students of Dr. Kraut have won the Gold Medal and Audience Award at the Gaspar Cassado Competition in Hachioji, Japan, Grand Prize in the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) Competition, First Prize in the American String Teacher’s Association (ASTA), Grand Prize in the Walgreen’s Competition, as well as prizes in many local and regional competitions. Melissa Kraut lives in Hudson, Ohio with her husband and two daughters.

Reflections from the Bleachers — by Melissa Kraut

I am not cut out to be a swimming mom.  Seriously.  I am a cellist, an artist that uses classical music to parse the profound issues of humankind.  I deal with emotions, both broad and subtle, grand and intimate.  I’m on a journey to refine a skill that I will spend my lifetime trying to achieve, and working on finding ways to convey my passion to others, to convey what is in my soul through my instrument.  I’m a professor at the Cleveland Institute of Music, how can I possibly take on the role of swimming mom?? My daughter, a freshman in high school, is an avid swimmer, so it came as no surprise when she tried out for the high school swimming team last October.  As much as I [...]

Defining the Intangible — by Melissa Kraut

Several years ago I was asked to contribute to an article for Strings Magazine on "what teachers look for in an incoming student."  I was excited about the article—what a fantastic idea—a compilation of suggestions from teachers who listen to 100+ cellists a year auditioning for music schools!  Despite my best intentions, I still haven't crafted a contribution. (Here is where I should publicly apologize to the cellist, who is no doubt reading this entry, for the 3 year delay in responding to your request).  My neglect  was not for lack of interest, or lack of knowledge or experience on the subject.  It came down to the difficulty in putting words to something that  is so nebulous—defining the intangible.  The title for this entry popped into my head during audition [...]

The Cello Can’t Learn

I am fairly certain that I would have been voted “least likely to have a teaching career” upon graduating from the Cleveland Institute of Music.  As someone at home on the stage, I had been pursuing a career in performance since I made the decision to become a cellist at the ripe age of 11.  Would I play in the Chicago Symphony?  Be in a String Quartet?  Play solo concerts?  The answer was undetermined, but the path I was on was well established. It was a seemingly random act of fate that forever changed my direction in the music field.  I met Doris and Bill Preucil when I was a senior at CIM.  They claim they recognized the “teaching spirit” in me, a fact I found strange at the time, [...]

By |2011-03-14T10:15:19-04:00March 14th, 2011|Categories: Teaching|Tags: , , , , , , |
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