November 9th – 21st, 2024

Audition Preparation Workshop 2024

CelloBello’s Audition Preparation Workshop is a virtual seminar designed to help
prospective undergraduate and graduate students prepare for their school auditions,
including the prescreening process.

This two-week intensive features masterclasses, private lessons, and panel discussions,
all centered around empowering students with the tools to succeed in their auditions.

Friday, October 18th 2024 at 3:00 pm ET

Live from Boston, MA

CelloChat: Mike Block

Join the conversation!
Faculty at New England Conservatory, Silk Road Ensemble, Biribá Union. Mike Block Trio
Play for the Vote


Softness is Strength

Tai Chi: Power/Flexibility


Paul Katz on his 1669 Guarneri

With Rob Mayes.

Master Class: Guy Johnston

Bach Suite No. 4: Allemande

Charlotte Raine, cello. Walnut Hill School for the Arts (Independent Arts High School),

Legacy: Bernard Greenhouse

Bernard Greenhouse at the Kronberg
Academy Interview – Part 1

Bernard Greenhouse in conversation with Kate and Sebastian Hess.

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Listening awareness is primary in the zone of creative transcendence.

Paul Katz

As a teacher, my first task is to teach students how to practice. Once they understand this, they begin to make progress.

Ivan Galamian

The fingers have no brains, and they have no ears!

Gregor Piatigorsky

Vibrato is like lipstick – too much is ugly – the right amount and color is beautiful.

Felix Galimir

Variety, variety – no two snowflakes are alike, no two notes are alike.

Pablo Casals

Living in question is the most creative and stimulating state of being. Doors are always opening in the mind, one is motivated to explore, to observe and to take note.

Selma Gokcen

I’ll stop teaching when I stop learning.

Gregor Piatigorsky

I was born with an ability, with music in me, that is all. No special credit was due me. The only credit we can claim is for the use we make of the talent we are given.

Pablo Casals

Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Teaching moves through generations. If you believe in the principles that represent the truth in the masterpieces, then you try to preserve those principals. They can be preserved only through teaching.

Janos Starker

Cello playing begins in the back, before the sound.

Bernard Greenhouse

Thinking is the biggest mistake a dancer can make. You have to feel, to “become”.

Michael Jackson

If you aren’t making mistakes, you aren’t trying.

Wynton Marsalis

Creative talent has an irrepressible hunger, and for the musician, music is the food it cannot live without.

Paul Katz

My goal is to convey a true masterpiece in whatever I play.

Janos Starker

Improper body use is like a pebble in your shoe. A nagging discomfort, it can cause severe damage over time.

Victor Sazer

Intelligence is everywhere in the body, nature and the universe.


Even the smallest motion involves your entire body. Your body functions as a unified whole rather than as a collection of isolated parts. Those who focus too much on small motor movements can easily lose this vital connection with the rest of the body.

Victor Sazer

Practice like it means everything in the world to you. Perform like you don’t give a damn.

Jascha Heifetz

Everyone knows what they can’t do – our weaknesses scream at us every day. To perform, you must know what you can do and bring the attention of your audience to those strengths.

Gregor Piatigorsky

Teaching should support, inspire, motivate, impart high ideals, and help each to discover and trust their unique talent and strengths.

Paul Katz

I still have not found anything more permanent or more beautiful than music.

Janos Starker

Music is one of the essentials in human existence, almost identical with eating, sleeping, making love, the basic functions that keep a human being alive. Music simply, is one of the blessings and joys of civilized human existence.

Janos Starker

Many people are too small to be teachers, but no one is too big.

Gregor Piatigorsky

Creativity takes courage.

Henri Matisse

Criticism does not disturb me, for I am my own severest critic. Always in my playing I strive to surpass myself, and it is this constant struggle that makes music fascinating to me.

Jascha Heifetz

Listening is the conduit through which all physical actions creating expressive results are filtered.

Elizabeth Aureden

The greatest mistake you can make is to be continually fearing you will make one.

Elbert Hubbard

Play the fear out and then tone it down.

Kathy Winkler

The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

Thomas A. Edison

Compassionate people are geniuses in the art of living, more necessary to the dignity, security, and joy of humanity than the discoverers of knowledge.

Albert Einstein

There is a performance nirvana, a miraculous interaction of ears, hands, and emotions. Listening awareness is primary in this zone of creative transcendence.

Paul Katz

Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music.

Sergei Rachmaninoff

On artistic conception: “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free”.


Just a little progress every day makes big progress over time.

Sally Chisholm

There is no top – there are always further heights to reach.

Jascha Heifetz

Music is powered by ideas. If you don’t have clarity of ideas, you’re just communicating sheer sound.

Yo-Yo Ma

Real art is one of the most powerful forces in the rise of mankind, and he who renders it accessible is a benefactor of humanity.

Zoltan Kodaly

Like love, performance is not about me, it’s about the other person – giving to the audience.

Kevin Olusola

My involvement in the political arena is to make sure there’s a place for culture.

Yo-Yo Ma

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.

Albert Einstein

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.


The art of interpretation is not to play what is written.

Pablo Casals

Tension is our biggest enemy. We must spend our life undoing it.

Ida Kavafian

With every year of playing, you want to relax one more muscle. Why? Because the more tense you are, the less you can hear.

Yo-Yo Ma

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Albert Einstein

Art is an activity in which one human heart communicates with another human heart.


Don’t perform – just be yourself.

Bobby McFerrin

Practicing is the art of making your ears happy.

Michael Haber

Through discipline comes freedom.


Cello playing is 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration.

Janos Starker

When we have a good balance between thinking and feeling… our actions and lives are always the richer for it.

Yo-Yo Ma

Progress is impossible without change.

George Bernard Shaw

Artistry is in the details.


Our bodies continually provide us with information, yet we too often ignore or do not understand their messages. Awareness is the first step.

Victor Sazer

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