Job Type:
Company:Orquestra Sinfónica do Porto Casa da Música
Posted Date:May 07, 2023
Closing date:Jun 19, 2023

(extra work / substitutes)
These auditions are organized to establish a list of supplementary musicians who can reinforce and cover the specific needs of various projects at the Orquestra Sinfónica do Porto Casa da Música. The auditions have a prospective/indicative nature and the Casa da Música Foundation reserves itself the right not to engage any of the candidates present in the audition, regardless of their classification.

Application form on Musicalchairs

Invitation of selected candidates: Thursday, 22 June 2023.

Dates and Schedule
The auditions will take place at the Casa da Música Building, in Porto, Portugal (Avenida da Boavista, 604-610, 4149-071 Porto), on Thursday, 29 June 2023.

The schedule for the auditions day will be the following:
10:30 – Presentation and check-in opening (Casa da Música ground floor)

13:30 – Auditions start

Order of the audition
The order of the auditions will be defined by draw. Every candidate must be accompanied by an identification document.

The jury for the audition will be composed by Orquestra Sinfónica do Porto Casa da Música members and Chief Conductor.

Single round

– One movement of a concert for cello of the candidate’s choice
(If Rococo Variations, sequence must be Theme – Var.I – Var.II – Var.III)
– Orchestral excerpts
R. Strauss – D. Juan, Op.20
J. Brahms – Symphony nr.2, Op.73, II mvmt

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