About Us
CelloBello.org is free, accessible to everyone, providing world-class lessons, masterclasses, interviews, and interactive live-streamed chats with renowned artist-teachers from the solo, chamber music, orchestral, and teaching professions. CelloBello is particularly valuable for both students and professionals who may be resource deprived.
The site also provides articles, information on jobs and competitions, repertoire and book listings, and additional educational, career, and professional resources.
Nurture and strengthen the individual cellist and a global cello and chamber music community through free online instruction and advice from renowned performers and teachers.
All musicians and enthusiasts, regardless of location, race, socio-economic status, or ability level, will have access to the highest level of musical instruction, inspiration, and interaction.

Fostering a global, inclusive cello community
CelloBello is dedicated to the universal dissemination of musical expertise and artistic inspiration. We are building a global community of musicians, free from biases against race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, and sexual orientation by minimizing barriers of language, geographic location, socioeconomic status, or ability level. We celebrate the field’s diverse artistic heritage, honoring both its traditions and innovations. CelloBello encourages other musicians to pay forward the rich legacy of musical insights and pedagogy as it contributes to the continuing evolution of the art form.
The power of artists in positive societal change
CelloBello strives to empower all those who have long been marginalized, disenfranchised, or underrepresented in classical music. As such, we are committed to making our resources accessible to all who desire them. We believe that everyone should have access to a high-quality musical education, and through this universality of access we work to remove elitism from the world of classical music. As the majority of our resources are accessed through the internet, we support all efforts to create digital equity and inclusion throughout the world.
Equitable access to high-quality music education
CelloBello believes that artists and arts organizations are powerful agents for positive societal change. We defend and promote freedom of all artistic and cultural expression. We aim to use our musical platform in support of the well-being of the planet. We endeavor to increase societal awareness and encourage activism among our users with the hope that each will advocate for their own causes and concerns.
Generosity in our collaborative community
CelloBello exists as an ecosystem and experiment in the transformative power of generosity and collaboration. The CelloBello community has benefited immensely from the magnificent support of many. We extend our gratitude to the innumerable artists, teachers, and volunteers who, without remuneration, continue to contribute their talents and expertise to the CelloBello mission. The vision of CelloBello could not be sustained without extraordinary acts of financial philanthropy. We are indebted to all our benefactors who make these resources and this global community possible.

Lorraine Idson
Chair; Ph.D. (Economics, M.I.T.) Ph.D. (Psychology, Columbia University)

Yo-Yo Ma
Honorary President

Robin Dunn Blossom
Trustee, The Cleveland Orchestra; William Bingham Foundation

Natasha Brofsky
Cello Faculty, Juilliard School

Jay Dweck
Treasurer; Cloud Technology Strategist, Credit Suisse

Paul Katz
Professor of Cello and Chamber Music, New England Conservatory

Pei-Shan Lee
Collaborative Piano Faculty, New England Conservatory

Kevin Kwan Loucks
CEO, Chamber Music America

Paul Mattal
Secretary and Technology Consultant; CTO, Jaide Health

Sarah Forbes Orwig
Executive Editor for Book Publishing, American Bar Association

Kitty Rothschild
Social Impact Strategist and Advisor

Astrid Schween
Cello Faculty, Juilliard School; Cellist, Juilliard String Quartet

Brant Taylor
Cello, Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Jeffrey Zeigler
Asst. Prof. of Chamber Music and Innovation, Univ. of Miami; Director, National Sawdust Ensemble

Isaac Berglind
Blogmaster, CelloJobs, CelloCompetitions, Artist Liaison

Paul Katz
Artistic Director and Founder

Paul Mattal
Technology Consultant

Ana Mora
Social Media

Jussi Reijonen

William Suh
Programs and Partnerships Manager

Kati Swinney
Operations Manager

Jeremy Tai
Video Editor