Adult Cello Learning

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Vibrato for Adult Learners

For most adult learners, vibrato is going to be one of the hardest aspects, if not the hardest, to learn on the cello. It certainly was for me. As someone who began learning the cello from scratch at age 25, it took me years and years of struggle to figure out that adult learners cannot simply rely on traditional vibrato exercises and call it a day. You also need to address the 800 pound gorilla in the room: excess physical tension. Did I just catch you rolling your eyes? I would have too, and that’s why it took me so long to develop my vibrato to where it is now. You see, there are many other aspects of playing that one can do despite having excess physical tension. It [...]

Benefits of Learning the Cello Later in Life

Is the cello hard to learn as an adult? Perhaps... but there’s a huge benefit of learning to play the cello later in life. Let me start with a little disclaimer: I did not begin the cello as an adult. I was around nine when I first put my arms around one (I’m in my late 50’s now, so it’s been a while). But I want to tell you about a life-changing event which happened to me and forever altered the way I think about learning something new as an adult. Intellectually, we understand that our brains are very capable of learning new activities as we age. Our motivation is the primary attribute which either allows us to take on this big world or prevents us from ever reaching for [...]

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