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In the Practice Room with Brant Taylor

What is on your music stand right now? What is the first thing you do on the cello every day? Why do you practice? What drives and motivates you? Anything that helped during the pandemic? How do you cultivate inspiration in the practice room? What motivates you? How do you stimulate creativity and imagination in the practice room? What is your favorite way to change things up/get new ideas? In your mind, what is it that makes an effective practice session? What are the best ways to prevent injury? What is your balance between technique and repertoire? How do you manage lots of repertoire at the same time? How [...]

In the Practice Room with Jan Vogler

What is the first thing you do on the cello every day? What is on your music stand? What do you enjoy the most about practicing? What inspires you? What is your favorite way to change things up/get new ideas? When do you feel the most inspired in the practice room? Is there a particular practice method that you swear by? What are the best ways to prevent injury? What is your balance between technique and repertoire? How do you manage lots of repertoire at the same time? With such a big workload, how do you avoid burnout and maintain balance? How do you start learning a new piece? [...]

In the Practice Room with Amos Yang

What is on your music stand? What is the first thing you do on the cello every day? Why do you practice? What drives and motivates you? Anything that helped during the pandemic? When do you feel the most inspired in the practice room? How do you stimulate creativity and imagination in the practice room? In your mind, what is it that makes an effective practice session? Is there a particular practice method that you swear by? What are the best ways to prevent injury? How do you manage lots of repertoire at the same time? With such a big workload, how do you avoid burnout and maintain balance? How do [...]

A Cello Journalist’s Journey

In 2001, I found myself sharing a taxi with Dutch cellist, Anner Bylsma, who was perhaps best known and loved for his performances and recordings of the Bach Cello Suites. We were on our way to the Royal Northern College of Music’s Cello Festival in Manchester, which was the première cello celebration in the world at the time. As we discussed what his detractors were saying about his book, Bach, The Fencing Master, I couldn’t help but note how surreal it was that this was actually happening – that I was spending time with one of my cello idols. It had been 15 years since my cello professor and former Leonard Rose student, Toby Saks, had first played his revelatory 1979 Bach Suite recording for her studio. Having grown [...]

In the Practice Room with Julia Lichten

What is on your music stand? What is the first thing you do on the cello every day? Why do you practice? What drives and motivates you? Anything that helped during the pandemic? How do you go cultivate inspiration? In your mind, what is it that makes an effective practice session? Is there a particular practice method that you swear by? How many hours a day should one practice? What are the best ways to prevent injury? What is your balance between technique and repertoire? How do you manage lots of repertoire at the same time? With such a big workload, how do you avoid burnout and maintain balance? [...]

In the Practice Room with Austin Huntington

Why do you practice? What drives and motivates you? Anything that helped during the pandemic? What is the first thing you do on the cello every day? What's on your music stand right now? How do you go about deepening your musical imagination? In your mind, what is it that makes an effective practice session? What are the best ways to prevent injury? What is your balance between technique and repertoire? How do you manage lots of repertoire at the same time? How has your practicing evolved over the years, or even recently?

In the Practice Room with Michael Haber

What's on your music stand right now? What is the first thing you do on the cello every day? Why do you practice? What drives and motivates you? What do you enjoy the most about practicing? What inspires you? How do you cultivate inspiration in the practice room? In your mind, what is it that makes an effective practice session? Is there a particular practice method that you swear by? What are the best ways to prevent injury? What is your balance between technique and repertoire? How do you manage lots of repertoire at the same time? How do you start learning a new piece? How has [...]

Interview with Tiffany Poon, Founder of Together with Classical

CelloBello is very excited to begin a new partnership with Together with Classical, an organization that strives to empower people of diverse musical backgrounds to learn and share their experiences with classical music, through online community engagement, grant-giving, interviews and educational videos. Today we begin with CelloBello founder Paul Katz interviewing the founder of Together with Classical, pianist Tiffany Poon. Be sure to check out the Together with Classical Blog for Tiffany's interview of Paul Katz! PK: Tiffany is the founder of Together with Classical. She's a pianist with a concert career. She's done a lot of playing with cellists, particularly with Jan Vogler but also Guy Johnston and Harriet Krijgh. So, welcome to CelloBello! Let's start by you telling us a little bit about yourself: where were you [...]

In the Practice Room with Zlatomir Fung

What is the first thing you do on the cello every day? What is on your music stand right now? What do you enjoy the most about practicing? What inspires you? How do you stimulate creativity and imagination in the practice room? What is your favorite way to change things up/get new ideas? How do you go about deepening your musical imagination? In your mind, what is it that makes an effective practice session? How many hours a day should one practice? Quality or quantity? What are the best ways to prevent injury? What is your balance between technique and repertoire? How has your practicing evolved over the [...]

In the Practice Room with Edward Arron

In our third installment of this series, we get an inside look into how Edward Arron approaches practicing. What is the first thing you do on the cello every day? What is on your music stand right now? What do you enjoy the most about practicing? What inspires you? In your mind, what is it that makes an effective practice session? How has your practicing evolved over the years, or even recently? How do you stimulate creativity and imagination in the practice room? How do you manage lots of repertoire at the same time?

In the Practice Room with Anssi Karttunen

Welcome to our second installment of In the Practice Room! This week we have Anssi Karttunen with a few very interesting answers on how he approaches practicing. Why do you practice? What drives and motivates you? Is there anything that helped during the pandemic? What is on your music stand right now? Are there other genres you find particularly inspiring or motivating?

In the Practice Room with Benny Yi-Bing Chu

CelloBello is thrilled to present a blog series: In the Practice Room! We wanted to expand the conversation around practicing and help our readers get an idea of how each of our wonderful contributors think about and approach their own practice. Throughout these series, we will ask our CelloChat hosts a series of questions that revolve around this topic, and include short video clips of their answers to each question within these blog posts. We hope this will be an informative and exciting way to get an inside look at the practice process of some incredible cellists. In our first installment of this series, we begin with Benny Yi-Bing Chu. What is the first thing you do on the cello every day? Why do you practice? What [...]

Baroque Dance and the Bach Cello Suites (November, 2002)

by Tim Janof A statement made by Nathaniel Rosen about the Bach Cello Suites has been bugging me for years: "People often talk about the notion that these pieces are dance movements. They're not dance movements! They are works for unaccompanied cello which have, with the exception of the Preludes, titles of dance movements." 1 Having never seen a Baroque dance, how could I know if this statement is correct? I've read a couple of books on Baroque dance, but, like learning to play the cello, a one can't get an intuitive sense of such a kinesthetic subject from a book. As luck would have it, I recently discovered that Anna Mansbridge, a Baroque dance specialist, had moved to my hometown, Seattle. She hails from the United Kingdom, where she [...]

A Profile of Robert LaMarchina (January, 2004)

by Tim Janof Though relatively few may know of him today, Robert LaMarchina was one of the most brilliant cellists of the 20th Century. A child prodigy, he was the toast of the music world and was showered with praise from some of the most celebrated musicians of his time. Gaspar Cassadó said that LaMarchina was "the most outstanding talent I have seen." Maurice Maréchal said "There is no doubt of it, the boy is unusually gifted." Toscanini referred to him as "my little angel." Had he not gone into conducting and had some self-sabotaging tendencies from a career standpoint, there is little doubt that he would have been a household name for cellists around the world. LaMarchina was born in New York City on September 3, 1928. His parents [...]

Conversation with Thomas Demenga (May, 2007)

Interview by Tim Janof Thomas Demenga, born 1954 in Berne, Switzerland, studied with Walter Grimmer, Antonio Janigro, Leonard Rose and Mstislav Rostropovich, among others. Important chamber-musical influences were Claus Adam, Felix Galimir, and Robert Mann at the Juilliard School in New York As an internationally renowned soloist, composer and teacher, Thomas Demenga counts among the most outstanding cellists and musicians of our time. He has performed at important festivals and musical centers around the globe and shared the stage with fellow musicians such as Heinz Holliger, Gidon Kremer, Thomas Larcher, Paul Meyer, Aurèle Nicolet, Hansheinz Schneeberger, Thomas Zehetmair, and Tabea Zimmermann. He has worked with conductors such as Moshe Atzmon, Myung-Whun Chung, Charles Dutoit, Claus Peter Flor, Howard Griffiths, Heinz Holliger, Armon Jordan, Okko Kamu, Mstislav Rostropovich, Dennis Russell Davies, [...]

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