

Juliette Liu on the Founding of Interlude

“Our dream is to grow our audience and to share our passion with other music lovers.” —Juliette Liu Juliette Liu founded Interlude with the simple goal of enriching her own passion for music, but from these modest ambitions bloomed one of the world’s most popular resources for texts on classical music. Since its launch in 2010 Interlude has accumulated hundreds of original articles that range from intimate, light-hearted texts to more robust academically researched pieces. Browsing the website reveals a vast array of topics of interest to both performers and enthusiasts, such as “Forgotten Cellists” (a multi-part series), “Overture to Injury Prevention,” “Rehearsal vs Concerts: Playing to an Empty Room,” Beethoven’s Immortal Beloved”—and so much more.  When CelloBello’s Artistic Director Paul Katz sat down for a conversation with Mrs. Liu, [...]

Schools of Cello Playing: Germany

CelloBello is thrilled to announce a new partnership with Interlude.hk, a website featuring wonderful articles on all aspects of music and the arts. In this reciprocal arrangement, our two websites will share blogs of mutual interest to our readers. We encourage you to pay Interlude.hk a visit and explore their wide range of fascinating content. We begin our exchange by featuring one of their most prominent authors, the former Associate Principal Cello of the Minnesota Orchestra, Janet Horvath. Following is the first in her series on the various national schools of cello playing. _____________________________ Bernhard Romberg Tracing one’s roots is a popular pastime today. In music, the schools of cello playing can be traced genealogically through the connection we have with our teachers, and their teachers. Just as [...]

Benefits of Learning the Cello Later in Life

Is the cello hard to learn as an adult? Perhaps... but there’s a huge benefit of learning to play the cello later in life. Let me start with a little disclaimer: I did not begin the cello as an adult. I was around nine when I first put my arms around one (I’m in my late 50’s now, so it’s been a while). But I want to tell you about a life-changing event which happened to me and forever altered the way I think about learning something new as an adult. Intellectually, we understand that our brains are very capable of learning new activities as we age. Our motivation is the primary attribute which either allows us to take on this big world or prevents us from ever reaching for [...]

Pursuing Playful Practicing

By Daniel Hoppe Three travelers met at an inn along the road. “Inn Keeper,” they called “tell us the way to the glorious city, Constantinople!” The Inn Keeper replied: “The way is short for some, interminable for others. For some it is effortless, for others it is arduous. Follow the road and you will find your way.” At daybreak the three set out hoping to conclude their journey quickly and easily. Before long they came upon a mighty river. The first traveler waded in and began to swim as hard as he could. The second traveler squelched into the mud, and, feeling overwhelmed by the task ahead, decided instead to sit down on the bank and enjoy the roar of the water, the warmth of the sun, and the beauty of the [...]

Music Schools – Is It Time To Shift What We Educate For?

By William Fedkenheuer In over 20 years, I’ve played over 1600 professional string quartet concerts for over 425 organizations in my career to date Of those, only 30% had me back for a second time Wait for it... Only 9% of those had me back more than 5 times (~ 40 organizations) AND. If I look really closely There are twenty organizations that have made my career, my life, what it is A full life. 20 years, 20 organizations 9% And then I look at what music education is prepping us for.What stories is it telling us or NOT telling us What fantasies is it selling and WHAT are the REALITIES? How antiquated IS our music education? We’re stuck in old patterns of soloist, orchestra, chamber musician, teacher AND we’re [...]

By |June 4th, 2021|Categories: Artistic Vision|Tags: , , , |
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