100 Cello Warm-Ups and Exercises Blog 18: Cello Geography Part 4: The Fabulous Thumb

Robert Jesselson

When students come to study cello with me in college they often arrive with problems in their fundamental technique which must be addressed: issues with collapsing fingers, bow angle, underlying tension, weak sound, etc. Most of these basic problems can be dealt with fairly quickly once the student becomes aware of the issues and knows how to fix them. However the bad habits that seem to be the most intractable are problems regarding the curvature of the thumb. In pedagogy classes and in talking with teachers I always emphasize that young cellists should be taught to train their thumbs correctly in order to help avoid excess tension and to allow maximum flexibility. Teachers need to be vigilant about this in the early stages of a cellist’s development in order to prevent future problems, including tendonitis. The incorrect usage of the thumb is one of the most difficult problems to correct later in a cellist’s development. It is crucial that students learn it properly from the beginning, and that teachers monitor it constantly throughout the student’s career.

In playing the cello the thumbs on both hands should be bent outward (some teachers say a “bumpy thumb”), not squished in.



The reason for this is that when the thumb is bent inward it is designed to grab onto something like a hammer or other tool. It maximizes the grip and enables power and strength from the arm to manipulate a tool. However in playing the cello we do not need that kind of force – in fact, we need to reduce tension to facilitate the flexibility of the thumb and fingers.

It turns out that the thumb has more nerve connections to the brain than any other part of the body – except the tongue. I think that this is interesting in that what separates Man from other animals is that humans have the ability to speak (tongue) and the ability to use tools (thumb). So, evolutionarily the prehensile, opposable thumb was intended to be used for holding things and using tools, while at the same time it can be amazingly sensitive and dexterous.

The thumb should be across/behind the second finger on both hands in playing the cello. Although some cellists advocate the thumb connecting with the middle (3rd) finger on the bow, I think it is preferable to use bilateral symmetry, with the same thumb-2nd finger relationship in both hands, so that one side of the body is similar to the other side. It is especially important for the left hand thumb to be under the second finger in extensions. One of the major problems with young cellists is that they don’t release the thumb before making forward extensions, so the hand position becomes distorted, tension is increased, and intonation suffers.

Although it is sometimes difficult for students to train the thumb into the optimal configuration, it is important for teachers to help them get this right. That means being vigilant, determined and also thinking creatively about how to build good habits.

Students are also often confused about the placement of the left hand thumb in neck positions for playing on different strings. When playing on the C-string, the thumb should be under the A-string; when playing on the A-string, the thumb should be under the C-string. The entire arm moves up when going from the A-string to the C-string, and the thumb moves around the back of the fingerboard so that the whole mechanism works together as a unit.

Thumb Position

The left hand thumb needs to be well organized in the neck positions before a young cellist starts playing in “thumb position”, where the thumb is used as a finger up on the fingerboard. In “thumb position” the structure of the left thumb is opposite from what was previously described. In “thumb position” the joints are reversed: the distal phalange (the part with the nail) should be bent inward and the joint at the base of the thumb should poke out. I call this the “inny” and the “outy”. In establishing the basic “thumb position” (creating an octave between the thumb and third fingers across the strings, or a Perfect Fourth on the same string), the knuckles should not be squashed down, and there should be a C-shape between the thumb and the first finger as you look down the fingerboard.

photo-3 Using the thumb with this configuration adds strength and stability to thumb position, and prevents the thumb from wobbling when moving up and down the fingerboard. To help strengthen the thumb you can use isometric exercises, as described in an earlier blog.


Paul Tortelier “How I Play, How I Teach“, page 28

There is some disagreement among professional cellists whether the thumb should be on one string or two strings in thumb position, but I recommend first creating a stable thumb across two strings in the octave position for young cellists, and then later using it on just one string in order to reduce tension in passages where the second string is not being used. However, most pieces which require “thumb position” employ octaves and double-stops. In those situations it is best to have the thumb across both strings.

In next week’s blog, I will discuss a way of thinking about geography in the upper registers of the cello. We will also look at tetrachords and the configuration of the hand.



Robert Jesselson

Robert Jesselson is a Carolina Distinguished Professor at the University of South Carolina, where he teaches cello and plays in the American Arts Trio and the Jesselson/Fugo Duo. In 2013 he was named as the Governor’s Professor of the Year by Governor Haley and the SC Commission on Higher Education.

Dr. Jesselson has performed in recital and with orchestras in Europe, Asia, South America, and the United States, and has participated in the Music Festivals at Nice (France), Granada (Spain), Santiago (Spain), Aspen (CO), Spoleto (SC), the Grand Tetons (WY), and the Festival Inverno (Brazil). His performance degrees are from the Staatliche Hochschule fuer Musik in Freiburg, West Germany, from the Eastman School of Music, where he studied with Paul Katz, and the DMA from Rutgers where he studied with cellist Bernard Greenhouse. He has been principal cello of the South Carolina Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Orquesta-Sinfonica de Las Palmas, Spain. In 1983 Dr. Jesselson was in China for a six-month residency, one of the first Western cellists to visit that country. During that time he performed as soloist, gave master classes, and taught at several conservatories (including Beijing, Shanghai, and Canton). In December, 2001 he led a delegation of string players and teachers to Cuba to begin professional contact with Cuban musicians. He has also taught at Sookmyung University in Korea, Sun Yat Sen University in Taiwan, University of Auckland in New Zealand, at the Royal College of Music in London and recently in St. Lucia in the Caribbean. His recent CD of new music for cello and piano is called “Carolina Cellobration” and is available on CD Baby and Cellos2Go.

Dr. Jesselson was the national President of ASTA, the American String Teachers Association, from 2000-2002. During his tenure as president he initiated the National Studio Teachers Forums (2000 and 2002), started the National String Project Consortium (with sites now at 44 universities and grants of $3.1 million), and began the planning for the first stand-alone ASTA national convention in 2003. He was the founding Executive Director of the National String Project Consortium, and is currently on the NSPC Board.

Dr. Jesselson is former conductor of the USC University Orchestra and the Columbia Youth Orchestra, and he was the cello teacher at the S.C. Governor’s School for the Arts for 17 years. For 15 years he was the director of the USC String Project, building the program into one of the largest and most prominent string education programs in the country. His pioneering work on this program was recognized in an article in the New York Times in December, 2003. ASTA awarded him the “Marvin Rabin Community Service” Award in 2009 for his work with the NSPC and teacher training. He is the recipient of the 2015 USC Trustees Professorship and the 2010 Mungo Distinguished Professor of the Year, the highest teaching awards given by USC. He has also been awarded the 2002 Cantey Award for Outstanding Faculty, the 1992 Verner Award, the 1989 S.C. Arts Commission Artist Fellowship, the 1995 Mungo Teaching Award, and the first SC ASTA Studio Teacher Award in 2005. Next summer Dr. Jesselson will be teaching cello at the Green Mountain Music Festival in Vermont and at the Cellospeak Festival. He plays a 1716 Jacques Boquay cello.

Robert Jesselson contact information: RJesselson@Mozart.sc.edu

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