The Bach Suites, A Deep Mirror

Lluis Claret

I am posting today some thoughts regarding my upcoming performance of all the cello suites of Bach, in Barcelona, next October 6th.

A “3 hour conversation with Bach,” by which I mean playing all the 6 Suites in one evening, is a rare privilege, and at the same time, an opportunity to devote months of work gazing, probing, until their is transparency in this greatest of all music given to us by the Kantor of Leipzig.

In this period of reflection, the performer’s goal and intention should be to imbue his own spirit into the depths of the pieces, and become inspired and elevated by this music of such extraordinary dimensions.

After a concert a few years ago, somebody who had never heard my playing said,  “I can feel the voices of many persons in your sound!”.  I believe he was right, because each of us has a sound that comes not from only our own individual voice, but is also the product of many admired and beloved people in our lives, including those who taught and influenced us.

Performance of this music is the mirror of our life, our experiences, our feelings. For this reason, when I play Bach, which for me is the purest and most direct voice, the music should speak from the deepest place within us.

But how do we make the voice of Bach  speak as well– not only our feelings? Maybe that is what makes Bach so difficult and why every version of the Suites so personal. His music, with its almost supernatural balance and a perfection where it is impossible to add or remove a single note, is the ideal medium to give ourselves the chance to speak directly through the musical content and communicate its meaning.

As a result, the more I go into this music, the more freedom I feel.

Music, and particularly Bach, should lead each of us, through our own personal talent, to an understanding of the composer’s deepest meanings, where we become free of our ourselves and don’t need to “demonstrate” anything. As the great pianist György Sebök used to say, ” I forget my ego and I try to be the composer for a while…”

Only once before have I performed all the Bach 6 Suites in one evening:  It happened 10 years ago. So I decided that now, on the occasion of my 60th birthday, that it would be a good occasion for a renewed interpretation. In these last 10 years many “new voices” have been added to my sound. And I want to let those voices that I have admired and who have since left us, speak once again.  All these inside voices help me to pass on Bach’s message. I do it with a sense of enormous gratitude and I feel priveleged  to devote myself to this music that Casals called “A Miracle”…of course he is right… it is the miracle of Bach!!


Lluis Claret

Born in Andorra, Spain in 1951, from exiled catalan parents, Lluís Claret began his musical studies at the age of 9. His musical future would be strongly marked by his contact with great teachers such as Maurice Gendron, Radu Aldulescu and Enric Casals (Pablo Casals brother) who, though not a cellist, would be his principal musical adviser for many years. His meetings with György Sebök, Eva Janzer and Bernard Greenhouse were also to be decisive for the development of his artistic personality.

First Prizes at the Casals (1976) and Rostropovitch (1977) Competitions helped to project an international career to the principal capitals of Europe, America and Asia. He received invitations from The Washington National Symphony, Czech Philharmonic, English Chamber Orchestra, France National Orchestra, as well as others in cities such as Tokyo, Seoul, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, Bamberg, Moscow, Madrid, Barcelona, and has played under the baton of Vaclav Neuman, Mstislav Rostropovitch, Pierre Boulez, Karl Münchinger, Dimitri Kitaienko, Sakari Oramo and Georges Malcom among others.

Chamber music and pedagogy are an important and essential part of Lluís Claret's professional activity. He founded the Barcelona Trio (1980-1993,) performs regularly with the pianists Josep-Maria Colom and Benedicte Palko and collaborates very often with other prestigious musicians at Festivals like Kuhmo, Naantali, Ernen, l'Epau, Pablo Casals (Prades,) Granada, Seoul. He teaches at the "Victoria dels Angels" School of Music at Sant Cugat (Barcelona,) the Liceu Conservatory (Barcelona,) the Toulouse Conservatory (France,) and gives master classes in France, Portugal, Belgium, Italy, USA, Japan and Korea. Together with Bernard Greenhouse he conducts a seminar at the Abbey of Fontfroide (France.)

Lluís Claret has regularly served as a jury member of international competitions including Rostropovitch-Paris, Paulo-Helsinki, Pablo Casals-Kronberg, and Adam- New Zealand. His great interest in contemporary music has brought him in close professional collaboration with Henri Dutilleux, Witold Lutoslawski, Kristoff Penderecki, Joan Guinjoan, Iannis Xenakis and Pierre Boulez.

To find out more about Lluis Claret, visit his website at

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