Tag: cello
By Paul Katz April 26, 2015

By Brant Taylor April 22, 2015

By Barbara Bogatin November 6, 2014
Subjects Practicing
By Jonathan Thomson October 31, 2014
Subjects Practicing
Tags cello, cellobello, CelloBlog, Jonathan Thomson, Practice, sports, training
By Guy Fishman October 15, 2014
Subjects Baroque, Historical
Tags Baroque, baroque bow, cello, Guy Fishman
By Guy Fishman September 29, 2014
Subjects Baroque, Historical
Tags Baroque, cello, cellobello, gut strings, Guy Fishman, Tim Janoff
By Blogmaster September 25, 2014
Subjects Competition, News
Tags cello, Competition, Enescu, Eun-Sun Hong, Romania, South Korea, Tony Rymer, USA
By Guy Fishman September 22, 2014
Subjects Baroque, Historical
Tags Baroque, cello, CelloBlog, gut strings, Guy Fishman
By Guy Fishman September 15, 2014
Subjects Baroque, Historical
Tags Bach, Baroque, cello, Guy Fishman, Historical Performance, language

By Blogmaster September 14, 2014
Subjects Competition, News
By Guy Fishman September 8, 2014
Subjects Baroque, Historical
Tags Baroque, blog, cello, gut strings, Guy Fishman, Teaching, vibrato
By Selma Gokcen May 6, 2014
Subjects Playing Healthy
By Selma Gokcen March 10, 2014
Subjects Playing Healthy
Tags accuracy, activity, Alexander Technique, cello, cellobello, conditioning, conservatory, Coordination, delivery, F.M. Alexander, Gokcen, habit, hours of practicing, necessity, Practice Room, Primary Control, relentless repetitive motions, repetition, results, Selma, the Use of the Self, young instrumentalists