Tag: exercise
By Selma Gokcen April 18, 2013
Subjects Playing Healthy
Tags abdominal muscles, affect, Alexander principle, Alexander Technique, attention, automatic process, breathing, breathing apparatus, breathing free, cello, cello pressing on chest, cellobello, chest cavity, conditions, correct position, divine influence, downward force of gravity, drink, efficient breathing, energy, enlivening, enter and depart life, exalting emotion, exercise, exhale, existing tension, expiration, food, freedom, freedom of the thorax and ribs, gases, Gokcen, gravity, guide, health, inspire, lungs, muscles, muscles relax, re-education, reducing air pressure, Selma, sequence, shift weight, straining for breath, touch, use affects function
By Melissa Kraut March 14, 2013
Subjects Artistic Vision, Practicing
Tags achieve a common goal, athlete, bleachers, cello, cellobello, chamber music, Cleveland Institute of Music, competitions, discipline, early morning practice, eat well, exercise, frustration, getting enough sleep, high school orchestra assembly, increments, Interlochen Arts Academy, letter jacket, Melissa Kraut, orchestra, passion, pool, professor, progress, refine a skill, Reflections fro the bleachers, repetition, sick, sleep well, stretch, successful musicians, swimming, swimming mom, tempo, timing, training, unhealthy, Wenger chairs
By Mark Summer November 16, 2012
Subjects Playing Healthy, Travel
Tags blogs, cello, cellobello, concerts, environment, exercise, exhaustion, flights, flu relief, Habits, Healthy, illness, Mark, performances, pressure, Rest, string quartet, suggestions, Summer, swimming