Tag: inspiration
By Martha Baldwin March 3, 2014
Subjects Practicing
By Blogmaster September 10, 2013

By Blogmaster July 9, 2013
Subjects Artists
Tags artist, Canada, celebration, cello, cellobello, colleagues, former students, gathering, honor, impact, inspiration, intimate gathering, Janos, life of Janos Starker, love, memories, music, musical influence, photographs, pictures, Remenyi House of Music, Starker, stories, students, Teaching, Toronto, Toronto Cricket Club, tribute
By Martha Baldwin January 27, 2013
Subjects Orchestra
Tags Baldwin, cello, cellobello, challenges, chamber music, choices, Cleveland Institute of Music, Cleveland Orchestra, colleagues, concert halls, concerts, direction, establish a career, family time, focus, happiness, inspiration, lifestyle, Martha, mom-friendly schedule, money, musical talents, orchestra, orchestral jobs, personal ideas, predictability, rehearsals, routine, short attention span, social outlets, soloist, stability, status, Teaching, Touring, Travel, variety, working full time
By Mark Summer October 4, 2012
Subjects Artistic Vision
By Mickey Katz April 26, 2012
Subjects Artistic Vision, Orchestra
By Brant Taylor February 20, 2012
Subjects Artistic Vision
Tags Awareness, Bernard, Brant, cello, cello technique, cellobello, David, Development, Experience, Greenhouse, Gregor, inspiration, Janos, Katz, music, Paul, performance, perspective, Piatigorsky, Popper, Quartet, Starker, Taylor, Teaching
By Margo Drakos April 29, 2011
Subjects Chamber Music
Tags career, cello, cellobello, colleagues, communication, concepts, David, David Soyer, dreams, environment, experiences, goals, influences, inspiration, melody, motivation, music, opportunity, organization, practicing, Quartet, repertoire, respect, skills, Soyer, strength, string quartet, support, sustain
By Alisa Weilerstein April 22, 2011
Subjects Artistic Vision, Travel
By Natasha Brofsky April 11, 2011
Subjects Artistic Vision
By Natasha Brofsky March 16, 2011
Subjects Practicing
Tags art, bowings, Brofsky, cello, context, emotion, experiment, fingerings, imagination, inspiration, motion, movements, musical, musical imagination, musicians, Natasha, performance, phrasing, Practice, productive, success, tempo
By Alisa Weilerstein March 14, 2011
Subjects Travel
Tags adventure, adventures, air travel, Airplanes, Alisa, atmosphere, audiences, cello, cellobello, character, colors, concentration, control, energy, exhaustion, focus, health, ideas, inspiration, learning, orchestra, performance, practicing, reality, Rest, shifting, travel with an instrument, vibrato, Weilerstein