Julia Lichten

In the Practice Room with Julia Lichten

What is on your music stand? What is the first thing you do on the cello every day? https://youtu.be/NQveC_g1obo Why do you practice? What drives and motivates you? Anything that helped during the pandemic? https://youtu.be/A83d7hlJf1s How do you go cultivate inspiration? https://youtu.be/lUSyaGCz4kQ In your mind, what is it that makes an effective practice session? https://youtu.be/mUCa2v09_7E Is there a particular practice method that you swear by? https://youtu.be/QYa9fY0QIMY How many hours a day should one practice? https://youtu.be/bAZz3zzqybQ What are the best ways to prevent injury? https://youtu.be/6AQk74UIXzg What is your balance between technique and repertoire? https://youtu.be/MFbf-eRbvcw How do you manage lots of repertoire at the same time? https://youtu.be/rt5B2LeosnQ With such a big workload, how do you avoid burnout and maintain balance? https://youtu.be/FSUCcT-PxOE [...]

CelloChat: Julia Lichten – Practical Solutions for Sound Production Problems

Julia Lichten enjoys a varied career as soloist, chamber and orchestral musician, and teacher and coach in the New York area. She received degrees from Harvard-Radcliffe and the New England Conservatory, followed by two years of study at the Mannes College of Music. Her major teachers were Mischa Nieland and Paul Tobias. A member of the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra since 1995, she has toured as a soloist with Orpheus, as well as with Musicians from Marlboro and the American Chamber Players.

By |2022-09-19T07:11:23-04:00September 19th, 2022|Categories: , |Tags: , , |
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