The Evolution of Family – Introducing the Kenya International Cello Festival

The inaugural Kenya International Cello Festival will take place January 3-12, 2022 in Nairobi, Thika, Nyeri and Nanyuki Kenya. Born out of a deep dedication to the students of Korogocho and Ghetto Classics, the festival’s classes and performances will speak to a wide tapestry of compositional voices - all in the hopes of reflecting the interwoven cultural fabric of Kenya. Robert Howard and Rebecca Merblum, Artistic Directors. Anthony R. Green, Composer in Residence. It began so simply. One phone call to Elizabeth Njorge. Within two days I was working with students. And within a week I was part of the family. I should say that I had followed Ghetto Classics for quite some time and was keenly aware of Quartuor Ebène’s visit on their Beethoven World Tour. That said, I [...]