Michael Haber

In the Practice Room with Michael Haber

What's on your music stand right now? https://youtu.be/zXnE9O5u4ec What is the first thing you do on the cello every day? https://youtu.be/Ee5QTrThKU4 Why do you practice? What drives and motivates you? https://youtu.be/GbBtU4uuhIA What do you enjoy the most about practicing? What inspires you? https://youtu.be/LJ0CLr_2LZI How do you cultivate inspiration in the practice room? https://youtu.be/GRqq0Bl1bec In your mind, what is it that makes an effective practice session? https://youtu.be/hcj0Y8wD3BA Is there a particular practice method that you swear by? https://youtu.be/xUJpfvFVVcw What are the best ways to prevent injury? https://youtu.be/nrH40qfgsAc What is your balance between technique and repertoire? https://youtu.be/L36UMRi3MpQ How do you manage lots of repertoire at the same time? https://youtu.be/PbEEHJL226M How do you start learning a new piece? https://youtu.be/lKvv6ytQY2Y How has [...]

CelloChat: Michael Haber

Cellist Michael Haber is a former member of The Cleveland Orchestra under George Szell, the Casals Festival Orchestra under Pablo Casals and was the principal cellist of the Colorado Music Festival Orchestra. As cellist of the Composers Quartet, in residence at Columbia University, he toured and recorded internationally, as he did with the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. For more than 20 years, he was the cellist of The Gabrielli Trio. Mr Haber has been on the cello and chamber music faculties of Oberlin College, The Eastman School of Music, the Indiana University School of Music, The New England Conservatory, Boston University, The University of Akron and also taught and performed at many summer music schools and festivals, including Aspen, Marlboro and Yellow Barn.

By |2021-11-03T06:56:12-04:00November 3rd, 2021|Categories: , |Tags: , |

Welcome to CelloBello’s Back to School Week Celebration!

Hello CelloBello Fans! With school back in full swing, we're excited to officially kick off the fall season here at CelloBello! Stay tuned for a packed week of new and original CelloBello releases: Monday: an exclusive masterclass with Yo-Yo Ma on the Elgar Concerto, Mvts. 3 &4 Tuesday: a new blog from Michael Haber, "Practicing, Some Practical Advice" (Part 1) Wednesday: two new CelloLessons from CelloBello's founder Paul Katz, "Eliminate Left Hand Tension" Thursday: Part 2 of Michael Haber's "Practicing, Some Practical Advice" Friday: an interview with Alisa Weilerstein, "The Psychology of Sound Production" Enjoy!

By |2017-09-20T12:48:00-04:00September 19th, 2017|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |

Practicing, Some Practice Advice (Part 2) — by Michael Haber

Frustration and Discouragement, Orchestra Auditions, Some Final Thoughts, a Final Comment FRUSTRATION AND DISCOURAGEMENT: Now is the time to talk about our number one enemy. When I look back over all my teaching, one observation stands out above all others. It has not been a lack of talent or intelligence which stood in the way of progress for most students. It has rather been the fact that many people become both frustrated and discouraged by the amount of work and the unwavering discipline and persistence it usually takes to become an excellent musician. I have something simple to say on this subject: frustration and discouragement have been the common lot of most of the musicians I've known, born of the eternal gap between our dreams of how we want [...]

Practicing, Some Practice Advice (Part 1) — by Michael Haber

I've written this brief essay for purely selfish reasons: I like to see my students improve. When they do, I feel happy, they feel happy, I go home for dinner a happy man. What follows is intended to help you organize your practicing, and your thinking about your practicing, in an effective way. Your progress, mine too, depends on the quality and quantity of this work. It's also intended to encourage you to practice, period. Not all of my students are always inclined to work as well and as much as they should. I should confess from the beginning that I have always loved practicing. It is the royal road to instrumental mastery and the incomparable satisfaction of playing music as well as it deserves to be played. I have [...]

CelloBello János Starker Remembrance Week: Janos Starker, Who Is, Was, and Always Will Be My Master

Starker with pianist Gyorgy Sebok – life-long friend and musical partner of Starker. By Michael Haber Many years ago, I was on a family trip to Israel. In a hotel in Beersheva, I was surprised to find Mr. Starker standing in the lobby together with the conductor of the Israel Sinfonietta. I greeted Mr. Starker………”Janos Starker, who is, was, and always will be my master.” What has remained with me since my final lesson with Mr. Starker in August 1966 is his personal brilliance as a man and his deep patience and kindness. His way of being kind, which often meant an uncompromising honesty, was perhaps not for everyone. But what is more kind, in a teacher/student relationship, than taking a student seriously enough to share with them what [...]

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