Music Theory

CelloKids: Navegantes del Violoncelo – Básicos de la Escritura de Notas

¡CelloKids regresa el 25 de septiembre! Después de nuestro exitoso piloto de mayo, este año escolar continuaremos ofreciendo nuestro nuevo plan de estudios CelloKids que explora los fundamentos de la música de una manera apropiada para cada edad y nivel. Los juegos y actividades se centrarán en los conceptos relacionados con el canto, la forma, el pulso, la melodía, la armonía y las habilidades escritas, manteniendo el aprendizaje ligero y divertido. Las clases serán dirigidas en gran parte por el maravilloso equipo de Andrea Yun y Horacio Contreras, quienes han co-diseñado el plan de estudios de este año.

CelloKids: Cello Navigators – Note-Writing Basics

CelloKids is Back on September 17th! After the enthusiasm for our May pilot, this school year we will continue to offer our new CelloKids curriculum that explores the fundamentals of music in an age- and level-appropriate manner. Games and activities will focus on concepts surrounding Singing, Form, Pulse, Melody, Harmony, and Written Skills, keeping the learning light and fun. Classes will largely be led by the wonderful team of Andrea Yun and Horacio Contreras, who have co-designed this year’s curriculum. We are thrilled to be offering classes in both English and Spanish, led and designed by the wonderful Andrea Yun and Horacio Contreras.

By |2022-11-14T07:51:43-05:00September 12th, 2022|Categories: , , |Tags: , , , , |

CelloKids: Music Theory and Cello Playing

CelloKids is Back on May 14th! We are launching a one-day pilot of a new CelloKids curriculum that explores music theory and cello playing. Games and activities will focus on learning and solidifying concepts surrounding Singing, Form, Pulse, Melody, and Harmony. We are thrilled to be offering classes in both English and Spanish, led and designed by the wonderful Andrea Yun and Horacio Contreras.

By |2022-11-14T07:51:32-05:00April 14th, 2022|Categories: , , |Tags: , , , |
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