San Fransisco Symphony

In the Practice Room with Amos Yang

What is on your music stand? What is the first thing you do on the cello every day? Why do you practice? What drives and motivates you? Anything that helped during the pandemic? When do you feel the most inspired in the practice room? How do you stimulate creativity and imagination in the practice room? In your mind, what is it that makes an effective practice session? Is there a particular practice method that you swear by? What are the best ways to prevent injury? How do you manage lots of repertoire at the same time? With such a big workload, how do you avoid burnout and maintain balance? How do [...]

The Buddha, the Brain, & Bach: One Cellist’s Inner Exploration of Practice — by Barbara Bogatin

My bare toes feel cold on the smooth cement. The scent of rosemary is hinted in a gentle breeze, as a bee glances my ear and wild turkeys caw raucously in the distance. I take a slow breath—in ... pause, out ... pause—and become aware of the arising of the intention to take a step. As the weight shifts to the left side of my body, my right knee bends slightly, lifting the heel off the ground, and then the ball and the toe glide airborne over the stone till the tip of my toe reaches its destination. Balance shifts as the right foot bears the full body weight and I stand suspended, legs apart, caught in a slow-motion reenactment of a child learning to walk. Try as I might [...]

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