The Violin Channel

Maintaining Structure and Purpose in Your Day During COVID

Reprinted with permission from The Violin Channel. Violist Kim Kashkashian shares her thoughts on how she feels students can best maintain structure and purpose in their day during this pandemic. “Thoughts and musings on performing artists living at home … Where do we fit in as artists? Where do we fit in as citizens? How can we lead a productive artistic life? Our primary impulse- indeed, our primary need as artists is to create and share pure truth. We are all, in that sense, part of the healing profession. It is humbling and inspiring to recognize the potency and power of the visceral in our art. The power of resonance, vibration, sound waves in space and the organic feedback of an audience are unique and seemingly irreplaceable. But, we must [...]

Reprint: Two Travel News Articles from The Violin Channel

Below are two articles from The Violin Channel on traveling string players' issues. Trio Violinists Denied Access to Carry Violins On US Airways Flight [VIDEO] Posted May 27, 2014 in NEWS Violinists Zach de Pue and Nick Kendall, from the string trio Time for Three, have today released a fly-on-the-wall YouTube video – after being stopped on the tarmac of the Charlotte Douglas International Airport, by ill-informed US Airways crew members – claiming their violins were impermissible within the cabin. En route to the Artosphere Arts and Nature Festival in Arkansas, the Captain asked both men to exit the plane and wait on the tarmac, so the frustrated musicians took to twitter and their phones: TIME FOR THREE | VIOLINISTS DENIED US AIRWAYS FLIGHT “We were stopped as we entered the plane by the captain and his stewards. They told us [...]

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