Location:Perugia, Italy
Dates:Jul 10, 2022 - Jul 23, 2022
Deadline:May 28, 2022

PERUSIA HARMONICA is an online classic music competition based on video selection, organized by the cultural association MusiCosmicaMente-Perugia-Italy, open for the sections Piano, Wind Instruments (woodwind and brass), Strings, Guitar, Chamber Music (from duo to chamber orchestra), and Classic Singing.
The competition is open to musicians of any nationality. The candidates, in each section, will be divided into categories, characterized by the registry age and program difficulty. Therefore, each competitor will be able to compete in an higher category, regardless of birth year. The categories may be different in each section.
The competition is structured in two rounds, without elimination phases. Each competitor will have the obligation to perform in all the rounds and submit them in video format, as described in the following Art. 5. The points, in hundredths, assigned to each round, will be accumulated and willcontribute to the final result.

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