Events for Saturday, November 9 - Saturday, February 10

CelloChat Adult Learner Series: Kathryn Bates

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Cellist Kathryn Bates’ boundless energy for sharing musical experiences has shaped a career that continues to explore the intersections of tradition and innovation. Praised for her “beautifully rounded sound” by the New York Times, Kathryn’s performances are characterized by a dancer’s sense of rhythm and captivating theatricality. Projects range from her recent tongue-in-check solo cello recording of “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” (“Inspire Christmas” album on Sono Luminus) to performances during Elliott Carter 100th Birthday anniversary celebration at Tanglewood that were called the “revelation” of the concert (Sequenza 21) and “electrifying” (Boston Globe). Cellist of the San Francisco-based Del Sol Quartet since 2010, Kathryn has established herself as an important voice in the contemporary music world, as musician, collaborator and curator.

CelloChat: Michael Haber – It Isn’t a Trombone…

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Cellist Michael Haber is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Brandeis University and did graduate work at Harvard and Indiana University. His cello teachers were Janos Starker, Mihaly Virizlay and Gregor Piatigorsky. He is a former member of The Cleveland Orchestra under George Szell, the Casals Festival Orchestra under Pablo Casals and was the principal cellist of the Colorado Music Festival Orchestra. As cellist of the Composers Quartet, in residence at Columbia University, he toured and recorded internationally, as he did with the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. For more than 20 years, he was the cellist of The Gabrielli Trio.

CelloKids: Your Bow is a Paintbrush! Exploring Your Sound and Color Palette with Erin Breene – Part 1

In these virtual classes, students will explore different ways of expressing themselves through their bows. Concepts will include developing tone and stroke control, how to spin your sound, as well as learning how to communicate musical ideas with more clarity. Through interactive games, students will develop tools to unlock their bow’s expressive possibilities. These classes will be led by the wonderful Erin Breene, who joins us from our partners at Chamber Music | OC, which is one of Southern California’s only pre-professional classical music training programs.

CelloKids: Your Bow is a Paintbrush! Exploring Your Sound and Color Palette with Erin Breene – Part 2

In these virtual classes, students will explore different ways of expressing themselves through their bows. Concepts will include developing tone and stroke control, how to spin your sound, as well as learning how to communicate musical ideas with more clarity. Through interactive games, students will develop tools to unlock their bow’s expressive possibilities. These classes will be led by the wonderful Erin Breene, who joins us from our partners at Chamber Music | OC, which is one of Southern California’s only pre-professional classical music training programs.

CelloChat: Cicely Parnas

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Cicely Parnas is a Berlin-based American musician who has taken the world by storm with her incredible talent as a cellist, arranger, and composer. Born in 1993, Cicely showed a passion for music from an early age and quickly became known as a prodigious talent in the classical music world. At just eleven years old, Cicely made her orchestral debut, setting the stage for a career that would see her perform in some of the world's most prestigious venues. Her artistry and technical mastery were recognized in 2012 when she won the Young Concert Artists International Auditions, a major competition that has launched the careers of many great musicians.

Audition Preparation Workshop 2023

CelloBello’s Audition Preparation Workshop is a virtual seminar designed to help prospective undergraduate and graduate students prepare for their school auditions, including the prescreening process. This two-week intensive features masterclasses, private lessons, and panel discussions, all centered around empowering students with the tools to succeed in their auditions.

CelloChat: Richard Aaron – Preparing for Auditions

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Described as a “sought-after professor of cello whose methods of teaching have garnered global acclaim,” Richard Aaron is a professor of cello. He has served at the University of Michigan and at the Juilliard School since 2006 and 2007, respectively. In fall 2024, he will join the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. Previously he taught at the Cleveland Institute of Music and the New England Conservatory.

CelloChat: Leland Ko – Between Confidence and Self-Doubt

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Leland Philip Ko (1998- ) is the kind of person who’s always had an overflow of energy. His restlessness has led him to various callings, from competitive tennis and distance running to calligraphy and origami, but so far he’s found that making music with and for others — and the process that goes into that — are the things that best focus his mind, and that this restlessness is what gives him an almost stubborn desire to experience something with his audiences and colleagues every time he walks out on stage. Though he has chosen to dedicate himself to classical music, he does his best to remember and live by a former mentor’s advice that music is about life, not the other way around.

A CelloBello Celebration in Cleveland

Reinberger Chamber Hall in Severance Music Center 11001 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH, United States

A Documentary Premiere: "Notes From Behind the Iron Curtain: Cleveland Quartet’s 1990 Soviet Tour” and Live Performances from The Weilerstein Trio & Cleveland Orchestra Cellists

CelloChat: Roric Cunningham – The Process Behind Taking an Audition

Virtual Event Virtual Event

A native of Manchester, NH, Roric Cunningham joined the Boston Symphony Orchestra cello section in August 2023 at Tanglewood. He began cello studies at age 12 and two years later started taking lessons at the Manchester Community Music with Harel Gietheim. In 2017, he won the Portsmouth Symphony Orchestra and Lakes Region Symphony Orchestra competitions and subsequently performed with those orchestras.

CelloChat Adult Learner Series: Jeremy Dittus – The Dalcroze Method for Adult Learners

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Dr. Jeremy Dittus, Diplôme Supérieur Jaques-Dalcroze enjoys a career as a pianist, theorist, and Dalcroze Education specialist. An avid recitalist, he has performed solo and chamber programs and presented Dalcroze masterclasses throughout the United States, Europe, South America, and Southeast Asia. He currently directs the Dalcroze School of the Rockies Dalcroze Academy teacher-training center and chairs the Dalcroze Musicianship Program at the Suzuki Music Institute of Dallas in Texas. He also serves on the faculty of Hope College in Holland, Michigan where he teaches Dalcroze Eurhythmics for undergraduate music majors.

CelloChat: Jamie Clark – Five Keys for Effective Collaboration

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Cellist Jamie Clark of Boulder, Colorado has been praised for her sensitive, imaginative, and colorful sense of artistry. She has concertized throughout North America, South America, Europe, and Asia as a recitalist and a chamber musician. She has performed solo and chamber music recitals in venues such as Carnegie Hall's Weill Recital Hall, Boston's Jordan Hall, Eastman's Kodak Hall, New York City's American Academy of Arts and Letters, and the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum.

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