Events for Friday, June 10, 2022 - Wednesday, December 29, 2021

CelloChat: Giovanna Barbati and Guido Olivieri – Teaching Cello Improvisation in the 18th Century: Antonio Guida’s Method

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Giovanna Barbati is an Italian cellist and viola da gamba player whose repertoire extends from early to contemporary music and who has a special interest in improvisation. She appears frequently as a soloist and has given the first performance of a number of works for solo cello, many written especially for her. As a principal cellist, she has played at the Teatro Regio in Turin, and with groups such as the Innsbrucker Festwochen Orchestra, Accademia Bizantina, Les Talens Lyriques, Il Complesso Barocco, Real Compañìa Òpera da Càmara, L’Arte del Mondo, Camerata Bern and Concerto de’ Cavalieri. Musicologist Guido Olivieri teaches history of music and directs the UT Early Music Ensemble “Austinato.” Before joining the faculty at the Butler School of Music, Olivieri has been a Research Fellow at the University of Liverpool (UK) and at The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America at Columbia University, and a Mellon Fellow and Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan.

CelloKids: Music Theory and Cello Playing

CelloKids is Back on May 14th! We are launching a one-day pilot of a new CelloKids curriculum that explores music theory and cello playing. Games and activities will focus on learning and solidifying concepts surrounding Singing, Form, Pulse, Melody, and Harmony. We are thrilled to be offering classes in both English and Spanish, led and designed by the wonderful Andrea Yun and Horacio Contreras.

CelloChat: Zlatomir Fung – The Importance of Effective Fingerings

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The first American in four decades and youngest musician ever to win First Prize at the International Tchaikovsky Competition Cello Division, Zlatomir Fung is poised to become one of the preeminent cellists of our time. Astounding audiences with his boundless virtuosity and exquisite sensitivity, the 22-year-old has already proven himself to be a star among the next generation of world-class musicians. A recipient of the Borletti-Buitoni Trust Fellowship 2022 and a 2020 Avery Fisher Career Grant, Fung's impeccable technique demonstrates a mastery of the canon and an exceptional insight into the depths of contemporary repertoire.

Teacher Training Seminar 2022

Join us July 23-30 for a packed week of classes and discussions addressing a multitude of pedagogical topics. Whether you are a new or experienced teacher, teach beginners or the more advanced, the Teacher Training Seminar is for you. Come learn from renowned pedagogues and explore new concepts that you can incorporate into your own teaching.

CelloStream: Zlatomir Fung Master Class

The first American in four decades and youngest musician ever to win First Prize at the International Tchaikovsky Competition Cello Division, Zlatomir Fung is poised to become one of the preeminent cellists of our time. Astounding audiences with his boundless virtuosity and exquisite sensitivity, the 22-year-old has already proven himself to be a star among the next generation of world-class musicians. A recipient of the Borletti-Buitoni Trust Fellowship 2022 and a 2020 Avery Fisher Career Grant, Fung's impeccable technique demonstrates a mastery of the canon and an exceptional insight into the depths of contemporary repertoire.

CelloStream: Zlatomir Fung Plays Elgar

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The first American in four decades and youngest musician ever to win First Prize at the International Tchaikovsky Competition Cello Division, Zlatomir Fung is poised to become one of the preeminent cellists of our time. Astounding audiences with his boundless virtuosity and exquisite sensitivity, the 22-year-old has already proven himself to be a star among the next generation of world-class musicians. A recipient of the Borletti-Buitoni Trust Fellowship 2022 and a 2020 Avery Fisher Career Grant, Fung's impeccable technique demonstrates a mastery of the canon and an exceptional insight into the depths of contemporary repertoire.

Cellists Unite in Support of Ukraine Video Premiere

Virtual Event Virtual Event

CelloBello, the world’s leading resource on all things cello, has gathered cellists from around the world in a musical tribute dedicated to those who have fought and sacrificed for freedom in Ukraine since the Russian full-scale invasion began on February 24th of this year. August 24 marks not only the 6-month marker from the start of all-out war, but more importantly is Independence Day of Ukraine. CelloBello will host several events, including the premiere of an internationally-collaborative music video, a livestream conversation with Ukrainian musicians, and a live conversation with cellists who participated in the project.

Conversation with Kyiv Contemporary Music Days / Ukraine Classical Musicians Support Fund

Virtual Event Virtual Event

CelloBello hosts a livestream conversation with members of Kyiv Contemporary Music Days (KCMD), an organization that has pivoted its work since the start of the war to focus on cultural diplomacy, awareness of Ukrainian music, the plight of classical musicians in Ukraine throughout the war, and raising funds to support basic needs of classical musicians now living in Ukraine. 

Conversation with Artists from Cellists Unite in Support of Ukraine

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Following the release of the music video and conversation with members of the Kyiv Contemporary Music Days (KCMD) team and Ukrainian Classical Musicians Support Fund, CelloBello will host a conversation with cellists that participated in the music video. The conversation offers the opportunity to explore in words what this musical collaboration was all about.

CelloKids: Cello Navigators – Note-Writing Basics

CelloKids is Back on September 17th! After the enthusiasm for our May pilot, this school year we will continue to offer our new CelloKids curriculum that explores the fundamentals of music in an age- and level-appropriate manner. Games and activities will focus on concepts surrounding Singing, Form, Pulse, Melody, Harmony, and Written Skills, keeping the learning light and fun. Classes will largely be led by the wonderful team of Andrea Yun and Horacio Contreras, who have co-designed this year’s curriculum. We are thrilled to be offering classes in both English and Spanish, led and designed by the wonderful Andrea Yun and Horacio Contreras.

CelloChat: Michael Haber – My Musical Lineage 1860-2022: From Russia to America

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Cellist Michael Haber is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Brandeis University and did graduate work at Harvard and Indiana University. His cello teachers were Janos Starker, Mihaly Virizlay and Gregor Piatigorsky. He is a former member of The Cleveland Orchestra under George Szell, the Casals Festival Orchestra under Pablo Casals and was the principal cellist of the Colorado Music Festival Orchestra. As cellist of the Composers Quartet, in residence at Columbia University, he toured and recorded internationally, as he did with the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. For more than 20 years, he was the cellist of The Gabrielli Trio.

CelloKids: Navegantes del Violoncelo – Básicos de la Escritura de Notas

¡CelloKids regresa el 25 de septiembre! Después de nuestro exitoso piloto de mayo, este año escolar continuaremos ofreciendo nuestro nuevo plan de estudios CelloKids que explora los fundamentos de la música de una manera apropiada para cada edad y nivel. Los juegos y actividades se centrarán en los conceptos relacionados con el canto, la forma, el pulso, la melodía, la armonía y las habilidades escritas, manteniendo el aprendizaje ligero y divertido. Las clases serán dirigidas en gran parte por el maravilloso equipo de Andrea Yun y Horacio Contreras, quienes han co-diseñado el plan de estudios de este año.

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