CelloBello’s mission is to nurture and strengthen the individual cellist and a global cello community through free online instruction and advice from renowned cellists and teachers.

Join our mission and become a supporter today.

Make your one-time or recurring gift today, and help sustain CelloBello’s vision to provide all cellists and enthusiasts, regardless of location, race, socio-economic status, or ability level, access to the highest level of musical instruction, inspiration, and interaction.

Donors who reach one of our Giving Levels will receive website acknowledgement, and will receive special invitations to future CelloBello events. Our highest giving levels come with special perks: please see below! Note that giving levels are re-evaluated every calendar year, and only apply to gifts accumulated within the calendar year.

As you might imagine, we are especially grateful for those of you who make recurring gifts either monthly, quarterly or yearly. This allows our staff to focus the maximum amount of time on providing more excellent resources for the cello community.


Become a CelloFan ($100-249)
Start donating at $9/month to earn your spot!

Become a CelloFriend ($250-499)
Donate $21/month and make the cut!

Become a CelloPartner ($500-999)
Qualify by giving $42/month!

Become a CelloPatron ($1000-4,999)
Reach this level by donating $84/month!

Become a CelloVirtuoso ($5000-9,999)
Sponsor a CelloBello program

Become a CelloAngel ($10,000+)
Naming opportunities and pledge installments are available!

You may also donate by check. Please make payable to CelloBello and mail to:

P.O. Box 230621
Boston, MA 02123
United States